Events Calendar Category... Arts & CultureCB Career Acceleration Chamber of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsCommunityContinuing EducationDiversity Equity & InclusionFestival / CelebrationFundraiserGolf TournamentGroundbreakingGrowCBImpactCBJob FairsLegislativeLunch & LearnMeetingsMiscNetworkingOpen HouseOtherProfessional Development WorkshopsRecreation & SportsRibbon CuttingSchoolTrainingUNbelievable Workplace CelebrationWorkforceWorkforce Power Hour March April May June July August September October November December January February Search Results Found: 20 Button group with nested dropdown June 2023 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 28 29 30 31 1 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 2 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 3 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Drive Through Shred Event--Event Canceled 4 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 5 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO NAMI Connections Veterans Recovery Support Group 6 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO NAMI Connections Recovery Support Group NAMI Family Support Group 7 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Ice Cream Social #1: SugarMakery CB Ribbon Cutting - Rewind Skin Spa 8 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 9 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Heartland Family Service "Strike a Chord" Gala 10 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 11 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 12 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 13 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Coffee & Contacts Groundbreaking - MICAH House 14 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 15 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 16 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 17 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 18 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 19 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO NAMI Connections Veterans Recovery Support Group 20 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Ice Cream Social #2: Primrose Retirement Community Women Inspiring Women - Overcoming Obstacles with Keynote Beth Shelton NAMI Connections Recovery Support Group 21 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Chamber Mid-Year Meeting & Leadership Graduation 22 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Benefits & Beverages 23 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 24 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 25 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Omaha Wild West Tour aboard Ollie the Trolleyl 26 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 27 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 28 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Executive Women's Partnership: Beer and Bites June - Workforce Power Hour 29 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO Legos & Lagers - Build a house & relationships! Real Estate Agent ONLY event! 30 Impact CB's ICE CREAM BINGO 1 Mark Your Calendar Past Event Recap