Events Calendar - Chamber of Commerce
April - Workforce Lunch & Learn
Join the CB Chamber to hear from YouScience about their employer connections platform. They will show you the benefits of using the YouScience Employer connections platform, to showcase your brand to future up-and-coming skilled workforce. For any field your company needs.
April - CB Career Acceleration
The Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce is a proud partner of IWCC' E2E program and are excited to deliver CB Career Acceleration. This program is focused on our residents that are currently under or unemployed that are looking to start a skilled career. The CB Career Acceleration provides opportunities for participants to get assistance during their journey of education all the way to employment opportunities. The program will provide support for each participant as and after they have completed their continuing education program through E2E. This program is a supportive program to Iowa Western Community Colleges Education to Employment. (If you are not approved for financial assistance with E2E, this program may be able to assist in getting you enrolled. - Please speak with Amanda Oloff.)
May - Workforce Lunch & Learn
Join the CB Chamber to hear from Google as they dive into Project Oxygen and Project Aristotle. Using data and science to create better teams and culture. Dive into what makes great managers and even greater teams! You'll also learn about some great online resources Google has for FREE to communities and schools.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Workplace - Professional Development Workshops
This professional development workshop is designed to increase competency in: Building a foundation of cultural awareness within member organizations. Define bias and identify ways to address in the personal and professional setting. Create a workplace culture of trust and one open to feedback. This workshop will be delivered of two 1.5 hour sessions.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Workplace - Professional Development Workshops
This professional development workshop is designed to increase competency in: Building a foundation of cultural awareness within member organizations. Define bias and identify ways to address in the personal and professional setting. Create a workplace culture of trust and one open to feedback. This workshop will be delivered of two 1.5 hour sessions.