Thursday Jun 6, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Michelle Irions
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Foster Care Impact Summit with special guest, Mayor Matt Walsh!
Topic: Understanding impact of foster care on the whole community.
Speaker List
1. Brooke Prucha
Iowa Health and Human Services Social Work Administrator WISA
2. Kai McGee
Four Oaks
3. Lacee Nyberg
Kinship Navigators/Boys Town
4. Anne Christensen
Child Advocacy Board Program Coordinator - CASA
5. Matt Walsh
Mayor of Council Bluffs
6. Melissa MacDonald
Forster Parent
7. Sara Wallin
Prior Foster Child
8. Chelsea Best
Share My Smile Board President and Founder
Lunch Provided
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149 W Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA 51503 – (712) 325-1000 –