Events Calendar
Coffee & Contacts - November
Join us for a morning of networking and coffee at our upcoming Coffee & Contacts event. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, exchange ideas, and expand your professional network. Networking Tip: After the event, it's important to follow up with the people you connect with. You should send an email within 24 hours of meeting them to express your appreciation for their time and include details about the conversation you had. You can also offer to help them in any way you can (per your conversation) and/or suggest a time to meet for lunch or coffee.
Developing Leaders Around You
Truly successful leaders all have one thing in common. They know that developing, and keeping good people is a leader?s most important task. Buildings age. Equipment becomes dated. Policies become invalid. But people can grow, develop, and become more than they were before. Elite leaders develop the leaders that surround them. In doing so, the position the team to handle future challenges and capitalize on developing opportunities. But more than that, they help others reach their potential, thus expanding their own influence, and creating a truly significant life. Course Driving Message: An organization?s growth potential is directly related to its personnel potential. If you hope to grow your organization, focus first on growing your people.
Developing Leaders Around You
Truly successful leaders all have one thing in common. They know that developing, and keeping good people is a leader?s most important task. Buildings age. Equipment becomes dated. Policies become invalid. But people can grow, develop, and become more than they were before. Elite leaders develop the leaders that surround them. In doing so, the position the team to handle future challenges and capitalize on developing opportunities. But more than that, they help others reach their potential, thus expanding their own influence, and creating a truly significant life. Course Driving Message: An organization?s growth potential is directly related to its personnel potential. If you hope to grow your organization, focus first on growing your people.
Coffee & Contacts - December
Join us for a morning of networking and coffee at our upcoming Coffee & Contacts event. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, exchange ideas, and expand your professional network. Networking Tip: After the event, it's important to follow up with the people you connect with. You should send an email within 24 hours of meeting them to express your appreciation for their time and include details about the conversation you had. You can also offer to help them in any way you can (per your conversation) and/or suggest a time to meet for lunch or coffee.
Chamber Mixer - US Bank Bear Party
Join us for a Chamber Mixer. This is a great opportunity to network with Chamber members. Appetizers and refreshments provided. December is hosted by US Bank. Please feel free to bring a Teddy Bear and help US Bank build their 'Teddy Bear' Christmas Tree! The Teddy Bears that are donated will be distributed to children of need in the area for Christmas. Due to health concerns, they can only accept the new bear.