
The office is typically open from 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Driving Directions:
We are located on the campus of Iowa School for the Deaf. Our offices are in the Careers Building. You can find a map here:
About Us
FAMILY, Inc. is an early childhood organization with a mission to engage and educate our community, inspiring a healthy future through literacy, family and public health services. FAMILY, Inc. is the longest-serving early childhood home visitation program in Pottawattamie County. Parent educators provide home visits, group connections, assessment, and a resource network to support families. FAMILY’s Early Head Start program provides a foundation and grounding in early childhood services covering healthy growth and development, family well-being, and parent-child interaction.
As the Title V Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health and 1st Five Healthy Mental Development provider for Cass, Harrison, Ida, Mills, Monona, Pottawattamie, Shelby and Woodbury counties, FAMILY ensures all women, children and families have access to preventive and primary health care. FAMILY, Inc. provides nursing and psychosocial support home visits for pregnant women, preventive oral health screenings through I-Smile, and connections to health insurance, doctors and dentists through the Care for Kids program. 1st Five is a public-private partnership with primary care providers for the early identification of and intervention in developmental delay.
Raise Me to Read is a grassroots-led initiative for early childhood literacy in Pottawattamie County. This initiative brings together all sectors (parent engagement, health, school, early childhood, and more) to create a culture of literacy.
FAMILY, Inc. is uniquely positioned to address the multifaceted needs of children and families in our community.