Green Hills AEA

Education & ChildcareEducation & Childcare
- Green Hills AEA 24997 Hwy 92 Council Bluffs IA 51503
- (712) 366-0503
- (712) 366-7772
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Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30
About Us
Green Hills AEA is one of nine Iowa AEAs that were established by the Iowa Legislature in 1974 to be an effective, efficient and economical means of identifying and serving children, birth to age 21. The decision was the result of a federal law mandating a free, appropriate, public education for children with disabilities. The Iowa legislature was also facing concerns about inequitable services from district to district across the state. The original 15 AEAs followed the boundaries of the community college system. In 2000, the AEAs asked for legislation allowing for voluntary mergers of AEAs which brought the number of AEAs to nine. All AEAs work to ensure that every child receives a free, appropriate, quality education.