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Iowa Chamber Alliance's 2025 Iowa Policy Issues


The Iowa Chamber Alliance (ICA or “The Alliance”) is a non-partisan coalition that advocates for economic growth policies and initiatives by representing leading Chambers of Commerce and economic development organizations across Iowa. The mission of the ICA is to drive a policy agenda that grows the state on behalf of our more than 17,000 members that range from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies. This effort includes developing a policy structure that encourages communities to build attractive places in which employers invest and employees thrive, showcasing local strengths that drive the state’s collective growth.

The Alliance encourages the Legislature to focus on attracting talent to ensure future economic growth and take advantage of existing value available statewide through work in four main areas:

• Talent
• Economic Development
• Business Climate
• Infrastructure


The Iowa Chamber Alliance (ICA) urges Iowa policymakers to prioritize addressing labor shortages. The ICA believes that population growth is crucial for economic expansion.

Key findings from the ICA's Iowa Talent Poll:

  • People appreciate Iowa's small-town atmosphere, affordability, and safety.
  • Iowa's friendly reputation is a significant draw for potential residents.

Recommendations to attract and retain talent:

  • Workforce programs: Ensure programs address employee needs like childcare, transportation, and housing.
  • Incentivize return: Encourage former Iowans to come back.
  • Retain graduates: Implement strategies to keep graduates in Iowa.
  • Address disparities: Avoid policies that discourage potential employees.
  • Inclusive environment: Promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Second chances: Reintegrate Iowans into the workforce.
  • Immigration: Advocate for a uniform immigration system and support for new Americans.

Support for workforce training:

  • The ICA supports programs like 260E, 260F, and registered apprenticeships to provide skilled training and improve productivity.

Housing and development:

  • Housing is a significant barrier to talent attraction.
  • The ICA recommends a comprehensive housing strategy and continued funding for housing-related programs.


  • Investing in community placemaking projects is essential for attracting and retaining talent.
  • The ICA supports state funding for placemaking initiatives.


  • A quality education is crucial for preparing Iowa's future workforce.
  • The ICA advocates for adequate school funding, STEM emphasis, and educational reforms.
  • The ICA also supports early childhood education and collaboration between businesses, government, and educational institutions.


The ICA supports the Iowa Economic Development Authority's (IEDA) focus on expanding markets where Iowa already has a strong presence.

The ICA advocates for the continued use of economic development tax credits and programs. While the ICA supports these incentives, it also emphasizes the importance of regular review and evaluation to ensure their effectiveness. The ICA encourages the legislature to prioritize programs with the most significant impact and reallocate funds to programs that attract economic development projects.

Key economic development tools supported by the ICA:

  • High Quality Jobs Credits: A primary tool for attracting new businesses and incentivizing expansion.
  • Research Activities Credits: Provides an incentive for research and development investment.
  • Historic Preservation Credits: Supports the revitalization of historic properties.

The ICA also supports flexible local government tools like Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and abatement. These tools can be crucial for attracting and expanding businesses, but they need to be updated to reflect current market conditions.


The Iowa Chamber Alliance (ICA) is dedicated to enhancing Iowa's business environment. This includes advocating for tax code improvements, sensible regulations, cost reduction, and infrastructure investments.

Tax Code Improvements:

  • The ICA acknowledges the positive changes to the tax code since 2018 and expects businesses to continue benefiting from these reforms.

Sound Budgeting:

  • The ICA emphasizes the importance of fiscal health for state and local governments.
  • The ICA supports budget modernization and reform, including expenditure reviews and measures to reduce revenue demand.


  • Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses.
  • The ICA supports efforts to balance the free flow of commerce with cybersecurity protection.
  • The ICA advocates for state-level cybersecurity initiatives.


The Iowa Chamber Alliance (ICA) emphasizes the importance of infrastructure investment for economic development. The ICA advocates for regular infrastructure reviews, long-term planning, and innovative funding mechanisms.

Key infrastructure priorities:

  • Roads, bridges, water, sewer, energy, and telecommunications: The ICA supports long-term investment in these areas.
  • Public-private partnerships: The ICA recommends exploring public-private partnerships to leverage resources.
  • Sustainability: Infrastructure investments should consider sustainability to attract businesses.
  • Connectivity: High-speed broadband is crucial for attracting talent and competing globally.
  • Water: Aging infrastructure requires investment to ensure affordable rates and capacity for growth.
  • Transportation: The ICA supports funding for roads, railways, intermodal hubs, and passenger rail.

The ICA also advocates for:

  • Port authorities: Using port authorities for economic development and placemaking strategies.
  • Federal infrastructure initiatives: Aligning with federal infrastructure programs.
  • Air service: Sustaining current funding and service levels and investing in airport infrastructure.

Overall, the ICA believes that infrastructure investment is essential for Iowa's economic growth and competitiveness.

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